Rhodes, Marshall, Gates & Churchill
Many UK scholarships which support postgraduate study in the UK are considered among the world’s most competitive and prestigious awards.
The Rhodes Scholarship, established in 1902, was founded by Cecil John Rhodes, an English mining magnate who made his career in South Africa. The original intention of the scholarship was to instill civic-minded leadership and foster future leaders. It is not only open to U.S. citizens, but to those from around the world via individual constituencies and the Rhodes Global Award.
The Marshall Scholarship, created in 1953 to honor Secretary of State George C. Marshall and the Marshall Plan in the wake of World War II, was intended to strengthen the “Special Relationship” between the U.S. and the UK for "the good of mankind in this turbulent world.” It is open only to U.S. citizens.
Additional scholarships for postgraduate study in the UK include Gates Cambridge and Churchill. Information about other UK scholarships can be found under Scholarship Opportunities.
Overview of the Rhodes & Marshall scholarships.